Repair BEQ HP505

Site Visit: Wednesday November 27th @ 9am.  Meet at BEQ HP505. Special Scheduling: HP505 Renovation must be complete prior to work stating on demo of HP135, HP136, and SHP136A. Requests for Information (RFIs): Cut off for RFIs is Monday, December 9th @ 3pm. Proposal...

Site Prep for Ultrasonic Degreaser, B133 FRCE

Site Visit: Wednesday December 4th @ 9am.  Meet at Building 87, FEAD Office. Requests for Information (RFIs): Cut off for RFIs is Friday, December 6th @ 9am. Proposal Acceptance Period: 90 Days from receipt of award. Liquidated Damages $316.00 for each calendar day of...

P1594 Repair by Replacement RR1

***See Pricing Sheet for specific bidding instructions*** Site Visit: To Be Determined Requests for Information (RFIs): Cut off for RFIs is Friday, June 14th @ 2pm. Proposal Acceptance Period: 95 Days from receipt of award Liquidated Damages $1,660.00 for each...

P-658, Fitness Center Replacement and Training Pool

***See Price Proposal Form for specific pricing instructions.*** Site Visit: To be provided via Amendment. Pre-Proposal Inquiries (PPIs): Cut off for RFIs is 14 days prior to proposal due date.  Additionally, all inquiries shall be submitted using Pre-Proposal Inquiry...

Repair BEQ HP165

Special Scheduling Requirements: Demolition of buildings HP305, HP306, and HP309 must be completed before the renovation of BEQ HP165. ***See Pricing Sheet for specific pricing instructions.*** Site Visit: Wednesday, August 9th @ 2pm at HP165. Requests for Information...